Draka are elven people of the sea, always traveling from port to port. They've adapted to a nomadic lifestyle, some established Draken villages fairly recently in the last 300 years or so. They are of old ways, taking from the Earth only what they need to survive. Descending from Sylvan wood elves, they can be traced back directly as the sea providers (as in other food from the sea besides fish, mainly sea fruit) and fishmongers of past days. The word 'Draka' translates to 'water treader'. They've adapted a simple language, borrowing from many port languages that already exist. Their experience in traveling lends to their ability in being multi-lingual.
The majority of the occupants of a Draken village are elderly and children. Young Drakens are raised by the old, only retiring to their village when they no longer can physically venture a hunt. Most elderly still make it a daily occurrence to swim--the sea being an important part of the people themselves.
Parents of children have no obligation to raise their own child, entrusting the community to do it for them. In no way is this considered abandoning the child. As a woman recovers from birth, she often goes back into the nomadic lifestyle when it is deemed physically safe to do so.
Although few and far apart, Drakens do not forget to visit their 'home' village. When they come back, it is to bring supplies, food (other than what the village itself can provide), or medicine. They acknowledge their own children (if they have any, Drakens aren't required to provide offspring--most want to), but much in the way they treat all children of the village equally.
The age in which a Draka leaves it's respective village is undetermined and is left to the individual to decide upon. Members of the community do not push, nor do they look down on the duration of time it takes for said person to leave. In only rare cases does the person not venture out--physical incapacitations and other serious matters often being the reasoning behind.
When a Draka leaves, they are given a set of scouting armor that grows to be very precious to them, as it's their only worldly possession. Made from various carcass parts of shellfish and water beasts, they wear it with pride. The markings and color of the outer carapace are a flag to which body of water the Draken is the strongest at harvesting in. This does not mean they are exclusive to one; other Draken in close quarters can seek members out for proper doling of duties with one goal in mind: fish. They also dawn tribal markings unique to their own village for visual communication.
Drakens have a history of co-existing with dragons, as well as a select few being chosen to become dragon riders. The main reason the two intersect is a shared love for fish, and past villages coincidentally being within close proximity of water and stone dragon caves. Dragon egg survival is a very low rate. They have learned the conditions in which a dragon egg incubation is optimal, often taking them in with good intention. This does not mean the dragon survives a hatching, as it's not a perfected process. The Draken does not get to choose their dragon, nor guarantee any involvement with one. It is a situation made of chance and certain conditions.
If a Draka is chosen to be a dragon rider, the person is still considered on an even playing field as other members of the community. The dragon itself is treated as a spiritual protector, but nothing in the way of it being godly itself. As a Draken grows old and comes back their village, so does the dragon. A symbiotic relationship with the dragon and the village maintains as they both equally provide for each other. When the dragon rider dies, the dragon will retire in the wilderness for a life of its own. In very rare cases has a dragon stuck around after it's rider expires, but it has been recorded. This is often because the dragon itself is in some dire need of care. Since the bond of a dragon and it's rider are eternal, there has also been occurrences where the dragon (having nothing previously wrong with it) will die soon after the rider does. Draken describe this phenomena with reasoning that the two souls couldn't part, having carrying themselves over into the afterlife together.
The Draka language has a range of sounds and words borrowing from some of the first dialects around. They tend to use it within the company of breathern and are never rude with it as a rule. This means a Draken will not speak without you knowing exactly what they're saying before you. They expect the same level of respect, and find it highly offensive catching someone using their own native tongue to speak rudely around them. The language itself tends to be very leisurely and relaxed reflection upon the lifestyle of the average Draka.
Yes - Ta
No - Sook
You - Fa
Me - Tu
Fish - Nsomba
Hello - Ta'luk
Hello, how are you? - Ta'luk da'taen fa
No Negative - Sook awey (or) Sook'o
I don't come from here. - Sa'pa llanu tu
Do you come from here? - Canu'pa llanu fa
Do you want a fish? - Fa ani nsomba
Do you want to buy a fish? - Fa ani nsomba collo'we
I sell very cheap. - Collo'wen fin'a tu
It cooks well. - Ka'lo camupen
It tastes good. - Sudo tureen
'En' positive suffix
'Lu' negative suffix
*created by Riowyn*